(Picture by Laura Morán Domínguez, 1ºBCH.D)

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014


Our teacher María Cortés and her 3rd year students were talking about those behaviours or attitudes that drive them crazy. José María Ramos (3º A) recommended this interesting film called "Look Up", a spoken word film for an online generation.

3 comentarios:

  1. Why moms are so gossip? I'll never understand it. When I show a photo to my mom in my mobile phone, she looks other photos. It drives me crazy! Is it her mobile? No! So, Why does she do it?
    There is another thing that drives me crazy.
    My bedroom is mine and I do what I want in this room. She says: Ismael, your bedroom is a rubbish. Order it! In my opinion, in my disorder there is an order, and if I order my bedroom, for me it'll be a disorder.
    Moms of the world, don't do it please! We love you, but there is a limit :)

    Ismael Jalal-Alhanafi García 3rd A

  2. About de video ''Look Up'':
    I don't understand much but about I've understood, this video can open yours eyes. It's true, use the mobile phone can change your life, I'm agree, but use the mobile phone not much time is good too, becouse if we haven't got it, we couldn't talk with people of others citys or countries. I'm agree with the video, but I'm agree about we have to use the mobile phone too. The video is pretty.

  3. The video is too important to stop and think about it, because this open us main, and it makes we reflect about all those tecnologies. This can change our lives, so we have to pay atention at other kinds of things, like your future, the date of your married, yours little childrens and a perfect live in general. We should use tecnologies, but not at all.
