(Picture by Laura Morán Domínguez, 1ºBCH.D)

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


Adriana Bote Vázquez (2nd ESO) has made this interesting video on soap effect, encouraging us to wash our hands. Don't miss it and, please, don't forget to wash your hands.
Thank you, Adriana, and thanks to José Luis Plaza and Olga Martín for sharing.

9 comentarios:

  1. This information is very important because if we don't clean well our hands we can became ill
    Candela Molina

  2. In this video it looks very good visually as viruses move away when they detect soap.
    Laura Manzano Oreja 2ESO B

  3. Thanks for share this video with us, because it shows very well the effects of the soap and with this information we highlight the importance of wash a lot our hands.
    Marina Cepeda 2ºA

  4. Thank you so much for providing us with this video, the information it transmits is very important and very useful.
    Jimena Labrador Salguero

  5. Thanks for this information.I think that everyone have to know the importance of washing your hands, and it isn't hard or difficult to do it. I'm Irene Parra from 2ESO "D".

  6. Hi everyone:

    This video clearly shows the importance of washing our hands.The experiment represents in a direct way how the different virus run away from something that is disinfected.



  7. The video seems very interesting to me because it shows that it is important to wash your hands to spread viruses such as coronaviruses.
    soy angel gutierrez :)

  8. The vídeo is very interesting and Adriana has explaned very well. Thanks you Adriana . <3

  9. I think this video is very interesting to watch and at the same time it give is information about the spreading of viruses,not just coronavirus.
    Adriana has done a great job explaining such an important fact to us right now.
    Mar Graña Navarro 2° ESO B
