(Picture by Laura Morán Domínguez, 1ºBCH.D)

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012


HAPPY 2012!!!

Have you heard about New Year's Resolutions?

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.

Here you have some of the most common resolutions:

-Quit smoking
-Get in shape
-Save more, spend less
-Dedicate more time to family
-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Get in to a relationship
-Learn a new language
-Control temper:
-Keep up with the resolutions

Other lists include:

■Keeping in touch with friends more
■Exercising more
■Eating a more healthy diet
■Relaxing more
■Helping family more
■Learning something new
■Saving more money
■Reducing loans and debts.
■Becoming a volunteer for a local organization or charity
■Making regular contributions to a world wide charity
■Being more environmentally aware
■Recycling more products
■Helping a neighbour or a friend in need


28 comentarios:

  1. Happy New Year 2012! These goals that we get people to start a new year always advantages for next year, for example the smoking cessation is the purpose to try almost all smokers, and if they get a benefit for it, I already I have my list and I encourage everyone to write their own.

  2. Happy new year 2012!!!!

    In this new year I have 5 resolutions,

    1º resolution: I want to get organized my room, because every days my room is very disordered, and my mum many times I check the anger.

    2º resolution: I think I can learn something new, because is good learn something new every days.

    3º resolution: Pass all the english´s exams on a high note is my must importance resolution this year.

    4º resolution: I want to eat more fruit, every days a person has to eat lots of fruit, and I don´t eat lots of fruit.

    5º resolution: My last resolution is keep up of the resolutions.

    María Luceño Sánchez

  3. Happy New Year!!
    For this year my resolutions are:

    1º I want to more family time
    2º I want to lose weight
    3º I think I can do it much better so I'm going to study a lot.
    4º I want to Get organized.
    5º I want to eating a more healthy diet.
    6º I think that i'm fat so I do more exercise.

  4. Happy New Year!!
    In this year I want to do this resolutios ( I think of somthing of them I won't do, but it isn't very impotant):

    1º: I want to more family time;because I am not any time with my grandparents and uncles.
    2º: I want to keep up with the resolutions; and this resolution is tne more difficult for me.
    3º: Turn off the light when I go out of a room.Normally I turn on the light but when I go from where he left her on.
    4º:I want to eat more fruit.
    5º:I want to I don't fight with my brothers. Some days I fight with my brother in my house and my mother is angry.
    Bye, bye!!

    Javier Luceño Sánchez

  5. Happy year:)
    My five resolutions are:
    1º I want to help others.
    2º I want to study more.
    3ºI want to get organized.
    4º I want to pass more time with my family.
    5º I want to save more money.
    María Ávila Jiménez

  6. Happy New Year 2012
    These are my five resolutions for the year:
    1ºI want to do more exercise.
    2ºI want to learn something new.
    3ºI want to dedicate more time to study.
    4ºI want to more family time
    5ºI want to eat more vegetables.

  7. Happy New Year!!!!!

    My resolutions are:

    1º I want practice my favourite sport.
    2º I think I can tidy my bedroom. This resolution is the most important and the most difficult. My room looks like a jungle!!!
    3º I would like watch Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabeu.
    4º I think I can learn something new.
    5º I want keep up with the resolutions.

  8. Happy New Year 2012!!
    These are my resolutions:

    1.I need to be relaxed to be happier.
    2.I want to pass all my exams.
    3.I think I need to eat more.
    4.I need to control my temper.
    5.I want to be more organized, especially in my room.

  9. Happy Summer (is a joke) Happ New Year!!!
    These are my resolutions:
    1.I want to pass all my exams.
    2.I want to use my ortodonce.
    3.I have to practice more surf or bodysurf.
    4.I have to go to Portugal more.
    5.I want to be more organized.

  10. Happy New Year¡
    My resolutions are:

    1.I think I can learn something new
    2.I want to more family time because I want to help them more.
    3.I think I can get higher marks
    4.I want to centre a bit more on the studies since from now they will be more important for the future
    5.I want to play one year more in the Seleccion Extremeña of football. I think I can get it

  11. Happy 2012!!
    My five resolutions are:
    1.Be organized with my things.
    2.If I can, help others.
    3.I want to pass all the exams.
    4.I want to do more exercise.
    5.Try to complete all my resolutions.

  12. Bye 2011 and Happy 2012!!

    This are my five resolution:

    I: I want pass all my exams, because I don't want the same thing happen to me in the other quarter.
    II: I want lose weight. I think that isn't necessary to say the reasons.
    III: I want do more exercise, because I love the sport i practise and I think that I practise it few hours.
    IV: I want learn more English to speak more easily and understand it without problems. It's my favorite language
    V: I want say to him "I love you".

  13. I know very well that all these things are always forgotten further into the year so, unless they're written on paper, most of them will be put aside like they've been before. Some of them are actually good, like "stopping smoking", "eating healthier", "doing more sport"..., while others are more like wishes, such as "travelling somewhere", "getting a new car", "finding love"...

  14. This are my 5 resolution:
    1º/ Help my family because I don´t help much in the housework.
    2º/ Relaxed more because I am very stressed with the exam.
    3º/ Eat more fruit because I don´t eat many fruit.
    4º/ I want to get organized my room because sometimes I don´t found many things.
    5º/ Help other persons because I was very happy when I help other persons.

  15. My resolutions for this year are:
    I want to learn to play guitar.
    I want to getting more organized.
    I learn more english.
    I thing that I should lose a bit of weigh.
    And keeping up with the resolutions.

  16. Happy New Year 2012!
    There are my five resolutions:
    1º I want to learn a musical instrument.
    2º I want to control temper.
    3º I want to read more.
    4º I want to help others.
    5º I want to be more organized.

  17. Happy New Year 2012!
    My resolutions are:
    1ºI want to be better in football.
    2ºI must have good marks.
    3ºI have to be more with my family.
    4ºI should learn to speak English.
    5ºI must be more organized.
    Jorge Mayordomo

  18. My resolution are:
    I will imprube in sax
    i will impube in gim
    i want to better marks at school
    i will imprube drawing
    and i will imprube wiht the unicicle

  19. My resolution for this year are:

    I can eat breakfast every morning
    I want to get organized
    I want to dedicate more time with my grandparents
    I want to study every day, because I want better marks at school
    And finally I want to keep up with the resolutions :)
    Natalia Ceballos

  20. My resolutions are:
    Study every day
    Less weight
    and be happy

  21. My resolutions are :
    Frist,I have to pass all my exams.
    Then I must study every days and I want to be happy with my family and friends.

  22. my solutions are :
    pass all the exams
    be happy with my family
    and win the basketball league with my team

    1. My resolutions are:
      - be healthier
      - I want to study more
      - and I want to do sports as soon as possible

  23. My resolutions are:
    - be healthier
    - I want to study more
    - and I want to do sports as soon as possible

  24. My resolutions are:
    -Pass all the exams
    -Try study every day
    -Help my family
    -Learn more english
    -Be more organized

  25. My resolutions are:
    -Pass all the exams
    -Try study every day
    -Help my family
    -Learn more english
    -Be more organized
    Jaime Flores Luján

  26. my resolutions are:
    -help my family and my friends when they need my help
    -study more english
    -do more sport
    -pass all my exams
    -be more organized
    -travel to another country
    Nicolás Lumbreras Pulido

  27. I think my year resolution will be have better notes in this trimester and also have more time to read something or go out with my friends

    Carlos Martín Magariño 4ºB
