HAPPY 2013!!!
Have you heard about New Year's Resolutions?
A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.

Here you have some of the most common resolutions:
-Quit smoking
-Get in shape
-Save more, spend less
-Dedicate more time to family
-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Get in to a relationship
-Learn a new language
-Control temper:
-Keep up with the resolutions

Other lists include:
■Keeping in touch with friends more
■Exercising more
■Eating a more healthy diet
■Relaxing more
■Helping family more
■Learning something new
■Saving more money
■Reducing loans and debts.
■Becoming a volunteer for a local organization or charity
■Making regular contributions to a world wide charity
■Being more environmentally aware
■Recycling more products
■Helping a neighbour or a friend in need
Add comments with your resolutions for 2013.
-I`m going to study more
ResponderEliminar-I`m going to speak less
-I`m going to pay atention more
-I`m going to get better my letter
-I`m going to be a good person
Jorge Vicente Clemente 2ºESO B
I'm going to speak less.
ResponderEliminarI'm going to pay attention.
I'm going to watching tv less.
I'm going to travel in the world.
David Bolaños Bridonnesu 2 A
-I'm going to do the maths homework
ResponderEliminar-I'm going to have 7 or more in all the marks
-I'm going to try to no speak in class
-I'm going to clean my room every days
-I'm going to do a puzzle
David J. Jimenez Delgado 2A
I'm going to study more.
ResponderEliminari'm going to speak less in class.
I'm going to read more books.
I'm going to sing less.
I'm going to play piano more.
I'm going to get in shape
ResponderEliminarI'm going to save more, spend less
I'm going to get better grades
I'm going to I will talk less in class
I'm going to say swearing less
I'm going to speak less in class
ResponderEliminarI'm going to study more all days
I'm going to more pay attention in class
I'm going to play less with the playstation
I'm going to read more
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ResponderEliminarI'm going to study more in my house.
ResponderEliminarI'm going to speak less in class.
I'm going to read more.
I'm going to pay more attention in class.
I'm going to have good marks, better than marks of 1º term.
Manuel Escudero Muñoz 2ªA
Happy New Year! :)
ResponderEliminarI am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions.
In 2013 I would like to help poor people, so, I can donate food, and my old clothe, or the clothe that I cannot wear because is small for me.
I am going to eat more fruits and vegetables, I want to eat a more healthy diet.
Learning a new language is my most important resolution, because at the moment, languages are very important to get a good job in the future.
I think that I can tidy my bedroom, because, sometimes, I can't find my things, I'll try to be more organized too.
And finally, I want to keep up with all of my resolutions, and it is very difficult for me and for all people. I think that I won't do it, but I'll try it!
I want to improve my English, so, I need talk more time in English for improve my pronunciation, also, I'm going to read more books in English, I love read, and if I read in English, I'm going to learn more vocabulary.
I will try to pay the most possible attention, because, It is better for me,and is a very stupid thing go to the class and don't pay any attention.
And of course, I mustn't talk when a classmate is correcting an exercise.
That is all! ;)
María Luceño Sánchez 4º ESO A
-I'm going to speak less.
ResponderEliminar-I'm going to attend more in class
-I'm going to study at home every day.
-I'm going to do my homework every day
-I'm going to study hard
ResponderEliminar-I'm going to do more exercises
-I'm going to read more books
-I'm going to learn playing the piano
I'm going to study more
ResponderEliminarI'm going to speak less in class
I'm going to learn a musical instrument
I'm going to study more in my home
I'm going to study english
I´m going to study more.
ResponderEliminarI´m going to learn to play the piano.
I´m going to have better grades.
I´m going to read more.
I´m going to play a sport.
Happy 2013¡¡
ResponderEliminarNow it's my turn to speak about my new year's resolutions:
The first thing is that I'm going to try to control my temper,because sometimes I'm a bit moody.
The second thing is that I would like to save more money because at weekends, I usually spend more money than I should.
Also, I'm going to sleep more, because when I go to school in the morning,I'm often very tired.
I would like as well to visit my granmother more.I'm usually very busy , so, I don't have time so see her as much as I'd like.
Finally, my last resolution is to eat more fruit than I eat now.
Hello everybody :)
ResponderEliminarIn 2013 i'm going to read more because last year i didn't read much than other years. I also want to helpinh family more because sometime i didn't do anything in housework.
I'm going to relaxing more.
I'm going to learn a new lenguage because i think that it is necesary for the future. I also want to saving more money because i want to buy a laptop.
I want to improve my English so I'm going to listen more because sometime I don't listen, I'm going to study more because I think that I need it.
I also think that it's a good idea read more book. I'm goin to talk more in english because I want to improve my pronunciation.
Finally I'm going to pay more attention in the classes.
Jorge Luceño
At 2013, I`m going to:
ResponderEliminar-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Study moe every days
-Learn a musical instrument
-Learn a new language
-I`m going to pay atention more
-I`m going to get better my letter
Happy 2013:)
ResponderEliminarThis year I'm going to learn a new language, I'm in the official language school, I'm learning portuguese and this year I want to learn a lot of this language. I'm going to limit fat because I'm fat and I don'y like my body. This year I'm going to try to read more because I don't read much. I'm going to study more because my marks were very bad and I can get better marks but I'm very lazy.
I'm going to do more exercise because I don't practise any sport this year and I'm getting fat.
I'm going to relaxing more in my house and in the school because when I stay in my house and in the school I can't stop moving because I'm very nervious.
Finally I'll try to learn to play a little bit to piano.
Myriam Núñez Alejandre 4ºA
At 2013,I`m going to:
ResponderEliminar-Dedicate more time to family
-Study more every days
-Recycling more products
-Read more
-I´m going to learn to play the piano
Hi! Happy 2013!
ResponderEliminarI am going to tell you about my new year's resolutions:
In 2013 I am going to dedicate more time to family, because I think that I must visit them more.
I would like to control my temper, because I think that I get upset very easily.
I am going to read more, because I think that I read less than I should.
I am going to be more organized, because I am very disordered.
I am going to be more punctual, because I am very unpunctual.
Finally, I would like to relax more.
Hi,I´m Rebeca.
ResponderEliminarI´m going to study more hours
I´m going to do more sport
I´m going to do my homework
I´m going to help my family
I´m going to speak less
I'm going to speak less in class
ResponderEliminarI'm going to study more in my hause
I'm going to more pay attention in class
I'm going to play less with the playstation 3
I'm going to help my family
Luis Fernández Carrasco 2ºA
In 2013:
ResponderEliminar-I'm going to attend more in class
-I'm going to study at home every day
-I'm going to do my homework
-I'm going to do more exercises
-I'm going to speak less in class
-I´m going to read more
-I´m going to practice more sport
-I´m going to recycle more
-I´m going to try to improve the environment
-I´m going to spend more time with my family
These are my 10 top resolution for 2012
At 2013 I´m going to:
ResponderEliminar-Study more every day.
-Read more.
-Dedicate more time to my family.
-I´m going to pay attencion in class.
-I´m going to practice more sport.
-I´m going to speak less in class.
Hello! In 2013:
ResponderEliminar-I'm going to study more.
-I'm going to study at home every day.
-I'm going to attend more in class
-I'm going to speak less in class.
Happy New Year!
ResponderEliminar-I am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions.
In 2013 I'm going to dedicate more time to my family, because now I don't spend much time with them, because sometimes I like to be alone.
I would like to control temper more because when I'm angry I say things that I don't think.
I can concentrate more when I study, it is better for my studies. I should get high marks.
Also I should start eating fruit, because it is good for my health, but this is very difficult because I hate fruit.
-My resolutions for English classes.
I want to dedicate more time to learn English, because it is good for my future.
I can I pay more attention in class and learn more.
I'm going to improve my pronunciation, do all my homework and, of course, pass all my exams.
And finally I want to meet all my resolutions, but I think it is very complicated.
Ana Ramírez.
Happy new year 2013!
ResponderEliminarAt 2013 i'm going to:
About the school, I'm going to study more, and dedicate more time for read.
About the family, I'm going dedicate more time for my family, and help more them.
I want to meet my resolutions.
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ResponderEliminarIn 2013 I am going to:
ResponderEliminar-Study more.
-Don´t speak in class.
-Pay attention in class.
-Read more.
-Help my family.
This are my new year's resolutions.
In 2013 i am going to:
ResponderEliminarDon't speak in class.
Study more.
I'm going to attend more in class.
I'm not eat gum.
Happy New Year!
ResponderEliminarThese are my New Year's resolutions:
-I'm going to study more
-I'm going to do more exercises
-I'm going to be less shy and more sympathetic
-I'm going to save money
-I'm going to improve my English
I hope to get to do all these things
Jorge Mayordomo Merchán
Hi! Happy new year :)
ResponderEliminarThese are my new resolutions for this year:
I would like to get higher marks, for that I have to dedicate more time to study, I shouldn't study everything the last days before the test and less time to speak and laughing during lessons. If I study daily, I'll get them.
I want to improve some subjects like English but this language isn't the only that I want to learn. I'm going to learn French and another language at least, It can be German or Portuguese. When I finish bilingual section here I'm going to do English test for access to Official Language School.
I also would like to do exercise, I don't think that I'm fat but it wouldn't be wrong to lose some weight, don't eat fat food help me to be healthier.
My most important resolution is enjoy of this year as much as I can.
Finally, I hope keep up with the resolutions for once.
Silvia Lucas Gutiérrez 4º E.S.O. A
In 2013 I'm going to:
ResponderEliminar- I will talk less in class.
- I will study more.
- I won't put my clothes on my chair or on my bed.
- I will read more.
- I'll lear more things.
Rosa García Balmaseda.
I am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions for the 2013:
ResponderEliminar- I am going to speak less in class
- I am going to read more
- I am going to learn more vocabulary in English
- I am going to eat more fruits and more vegetables
- I’m going to get good marks
- I’m going to play gymnastic rhythmic
- I’m going to attend more in class
- I’m going to help to homeless people
- I am going to dedicate more time to my family
My resolutions for 2013 are:
ResponderEliminar- I'm going to approve all my subject
- I'm going to read more books
- I'm going to win a prize in tennis
- I'm going to not be angry with
with who????????
EliminarPablo Graña:
ResponderEliminarIn 2013 I am going to:
-Improve my marks
-Win more prizes in Karate
-Speak less in class
-Improve my behavor
This Year it's going to be a good year.
ResponderEliminarI think the resolutions are things that the people do because they are not confortible with them selves, it's not my case though.
If you don't mind i'm not going to say any resolutions because I don't really like them and if I write them, they are going to be a lie and I wont try to do them.
Tomás Gerónimo Muñoz sánchez-Matas
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ResponderEliminarThese are my New Year's resolutions:
ResponderEliminarI'm going to read more books
I’m going to get good marks
I'm going to attend more in class
I'm going to speak less in class.
I'm going to be less shy
Resulutions of 2013:
ResponderEliminarI'm going to read more books,
I'm going to study every day,
I dont't speak in class,
I'm going to attend more in class,
I'm going to spend less time with computers.
I'm going to talk less.
ResponderEliminarI'm going to study a lot much.
I'm going to study every day.
I'm going to lose weight 10 kilo.
I'm going to read more books.
I'm going to watch less TV.
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ResponderEliminarthese are my resolution for the new year:
Eliminar-I`m going to play more tombone and piano,
-I`m going to watch less TV and study more,
-I`m going to study Math every day,
-I`m going to eat more for grow up,
-I`m going to read more books.
ResponderEliminarThis year I haven´t got so much resolutions but I´m going to tell you them. I´m going to tidy my bedroom (again) because last time I tidy it, in a few minutes it was untidy again! I have a very long list of books (more than 15 books) that I would like to read, so I´m going to try to read them in a year. I have a electric piano, so I´ll try to learn how to play some songs with it like Obla-di Obla-da by The Beatles and Somebody to love by Queen. I think that I can keep up with the resolutions, so I´m going to start reading right now!
Hello,I am going to tell you about my New Year's resolutions.
ResponderEliminar-I would like to get higher marks
-I want to improve some subjects like English.
-I have to dedicate more time to study
-I'm going to go to de gym 2h everyday.
-I would like to control my temper.
-I'm goin to talk more in english because I want to improve my pronunciation.
Hi everyone!!
ResponderEliminarHappy New Year!!
I think this year is going to be better than 2012. I have two importants resolutions that i have to do this year. The first is relaxed more. And the second is talk less in class, I know that it is a very commom resolution, but it is the most difficult resolution to keep up, because when you arrive at school again, first you do is start speak to your classmate.
This is the most important resolutions that I have to try to keep up because some teachers become angry when I start to speak.
Javier Luceño Sánchez
ResponderEliminarThis Year it's going to be a good year.
I'm going to dedicate more time to my family, because now I don't spend much time with them, because sometimes I like to be alone.
I'm going to learn a new lenguage because i think that it is necesary for the future but also improve my English, and also I´m going to control my temper because sometimes I am angry with people who are not blame.
I hope keep up with the resolutions.
Rubén Sánchez Gómez 4ºA
Happy new year!
ResponderEliminarIn 2013 I'm going to eat more vegetables and more fruit because I eat much meat and few fruits and vegetables.
I'm going to read more books because it is good for the brain.I'm going to exercising more because serves to be fit and helps to have good health.Also I'm going to dedicate more time to my family especially my brother because I can teach you to play football but I don't and he has great potential for football.
These are my main resolutions for this year.
my new`s year resolutions are:
ResponderEliminari will be more studious and less distracted
i will learn to play the guitar and the flute
i will be more organized
i will improve my marks
but the best resolution is ... ...
one more thing : i wish ismael,pablo graña,david,cesar and alejandro respect the scouts because they are all day joking with the scouts and they insult me for this
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ResponderEliminarn 2013 I’m going to improve my English and i should read more because I think that I need it.
ResponderEliminarI’m going to be more organized because my room is very disordered and I’m going to save more and spent less.
I’m going to dedicate more time to my family and I’m going to control my temper because I can rude when people annoy me.
I want to keep up my resolutions this year.
Jorge Nozal Martín 4ºA
in 2013 i,m study more in all subjets.
ResponderEliminarI'm want to be a goog girl,
because my mum sai all days :
'' You are a bad girl''
I'm dedicate more time to my sister.
Happy 2013 for everyone!
ResponderEliminarThese are my resolutions:
.I want to improve my English, so I´m going to try dedicate more time of study and be more concentrate in English class.
.I´d like to star eating fruit. I will drink a orange juice every mornigns.
.I´m going to save money for travel to New York.
.I have to be less pessimistic, I hope be more friendly and help others.
.I´d like to learn a new lenguage such us German.
Patricia Naharro Aguilar
My resolutions for this year are:
ResponderEliminarI have to study more
I'd want be more organized with my things
I'd like to read some books
Spend more time doing my homework
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
-I'd like to be organized with my things and my time for study.
-Spend more time with my family because I don't spend much time with them.
-I'm going to read more books because it's so good for the brain.
-I'd like to learn Italian because I like this lenguage.
-I want to improve my English so I'm going to try dedicate more time to study.
Antonio Caldera.
My resolutions for this year are:
ResponderEliminarI want to improve my English, I´m going to try dedicate more time of study.
I'm going to save money because in summer holidays I want to travel to France.
I'd like to be more organized because I'm a disaster.
I'd like to read some books, I love read.
I'm going to study more.
Andrea Naranjo