(Picture by Laura Morán Domínguez, 1ºBCH.D)

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Do you like a song because of its message, rhythm...?

3rd Year students are working on songs with our teacher María Cortés. They are discussing what they value more when listening to a song.

6 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. "Rude":
    I love this song. Some people like it of its music, its lyrics, its rhythm etc. In my opinion, its music and its lyrics are great because the first time you hear it, you are always singing it. In general lyrics I don't mind. Its lyrics aren't the best, but they are OK.
    In addition to this, Rude it's funny and I don't know why, it reminds me of Summer and holidays.

    "All about that bass":
    I like this song. Its rhythm and its music are good. Its problem are the lyrics, because they tell silly things. The first time that you hear the song, you don't give importance the lyrics, but when you start to sing it, if you can understand a bit of English, you realize that they are rubbish. Summarizing, All about that bass entertains you and, at the end, it's funny.

    Ismael Jalal-Alhanafi García 3rd E.S.O. A

  3. Rude:
    In my opinion this song is great. It's very funny and its rhythm is amazing, but I like its lyrics but they aren't the best lyrics that I have listened. It is a bit repetitive, so when you listen it a lot of times it ends being boring.
    You usually sing this song when you are travelling in a car.

    All about that bass:
    In my opinion this song is boring, I don't like this song. Its rhythm is good but its lyrics are horrible, they tell silly things...
    When you start listening it you like it but when you understand the lyrics you think: this is a lot of rubbish.

    José María Ramos Hidalgo 3rd E.S.O. A

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I don't like these songs because i don't like this type of music, but the rythm is fast and good . And i think these songs are comertial and the lyrics are simple, I prefere Spanish music, i can understand the lyrics. Ilike specially rap music.

  6. Rude:
    I like this song, because it has a great rhythm. I think that this song have no sense, but if you listen it for first time, you're going to be all day singing it. Also, I think that this song is famous for the rhythm that it has. This song remind me when I was younger and I played in the park with my friends
    All about that bass:
    I really like this song, because it has an amazing rhythm. I don't agree at all with people who say that this song hasn't a message. Meghan Trainor told about people who is overweight and she supports them. She said: "Everything of you is perfect, from the bottom to the top". This is a very beautiful phrase, because you have to love yourself. Although the rest of the song is a bit silly, it says true things

    Esther Maese Calvo 3ºA
