Have you heard about New Year's Resolutions?
A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.

Here you have some of the most common resolutions:
-Quit smoking
-Get in shape
-Save more, spend less
-Dedicate more time to family
-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Get in to a relationship
-Learn a new language
-Control temper:
-Keep up with the resolutions

Other lists include:
■Keeping in touch with friends more
■Exercising more
■Eating a more healthy diet
■Relaxing more
■Helping family more
■Learning something new
■Saving more money
■Reducing loans and debts.
■Becoming a volunteer for a local organization or charity
■Making regular contributions to a world wide charity
■Being more environmentally aware
■Recycling more products
■Helping a neighbour or a friend in need
Add comments with your resolutions for 2019.
My resolutions for this year are:
ResponderEliminar-Save money.
-Studying more and improve my marks.
-Get in shape.
-Help my family more.
I hope I can keep up with my resolutions this time.
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminarDraw and paint at least once a week.
Keep in touch with my friends.
Get a higher mark in Maths.
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ResponderEliminarFor this year, I believe I can keep up with my resolutions. My 2018 resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Doing sport and keeping fit due to I reckon it is really important to be active in life.
- Calling my grandmother at nights, just because I want to be in touch with her. She is an incredible person and I think it´s a nice way to learn things about life and to know more abour herself.
- And last but not least, I would like to wacth 3 TED´s videos a week (in English without subtitles). I love those type of videos and it´s an efficient way to improve my listening while I´m just doing things I like.
My goals for 2018 are:
ResponderEliminar-show more affection towards my friends,spend more quality time with them
-I need to study even more
-Also sleep more
- I will try to save money
-I will try to be more social and less on my phone
-I want to smile more and be happy in general
-And I want to love myself
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar·Do more exercise, to be in shape and have a healthy life.
·Keep my bedroom tidy.
·Get good marks, I need to pull my socks up.
·And obviously, keep up with the resolution.
Marcos Campos González 4ESO B
ResponderEliminarI have never thought or written on a sheet any resolutions because in my opinion are facts that you would like to do but you may not do in the future but after all there is always something I would like to do. The resolutions that I would like to fulfill this year are:
-Firstly, pass all my exams with very good marks.
-Secondly, I would like to keep in shape.
-Next, It would be nice to meet new people and thus create new and lasting friendships .
-Another resolution is helping around the house or helping to my family whenever possible.
-And finally, travel to another country that is neither Spain nor France.
These are my resolutions for this year, I hope you like them.
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ResponderEliminarEvery year during Christmas time, I have always heard about new year's resolutions but I have never bore it in mind because I didn't use to believe in their importance. However, this year I really have some goals that I want to achieve:
ResponderEliminar-The first one is to be on good shape, something that I have already started, joining to the gym.
-Then, I would like to improve my Chinese level to be able to write fluently.
-And, the last one is to manage my money better because last year I had a real problem with the money. Everything I like, I buy. I hope I can change.
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ResponderEliminarLucía Cordero Sánchez. 4°ESO A.
ResponderEliminarI don't remember ever writing any resolutions for New Year during Christmas, I think some of them are things that we would like to do in the future, but probably (because we don't have enough time, for example) we won't do.
But this year, I have written some things I would like to keep until the end, resolutions in logical periods of time I can fulfill successfully (or I hope so).
Some of them are:
–I would like to learn a new language, like Germán, or continue with Chinese.
–I will make an effort to spend more time playing with my brother or helping him.
–Maintein a good physical shape doing sport and eating healthy.
–Finally, I would like to spend more time with my friends and my family, and less with the mobile phone or social networks.
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Saving money.
-Helping my parents with the chores.
-Using less my mobile phone.
-Learning italian.
Raquel García Barra. 4ºESO A.
ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
-Use less my mobile phone.
-Help with housework more.
-Read more books.
-Save Money.
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Run a marathon.
-Read more.
-Improve my marks.
-Have time to myself.
Marina de la Cruz Saavedra 4°ESO B
ResponderEliminarMy goals for 2018 are:
-Save money
-Get good marks
-Learn new languages
-Spend more time with my friends
Isabel Ramos 4ºESO B
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
-Pass all the exams with good marks.
-Practice a new sport(snowboard)
-Travel with my friends and family
-Don't argue with my sister so much
Marta Rosado Roncero 4EsoA
ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
-Exercise and get fit
-Read a book (or more if it's possible) every month
-Travel more with my family and friends
-Get better marks in all the subjects
-And be more kind and try to have less problems
Carmen Sánchez Julián 4ºB
ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
-Save money.
-Keep my bedroom tidy.
-Go to bed early.
-Do more exercise.
-Pass all the exams with good marks.
Helena Valencia 4ºB
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
- Go to bed earlier, so I can be more rested and get up with more energy.
-Keep my room tidy, I'm not too messy but I would like to improve.
-Pass all subjects without problems and get good marks.
-Be more extroverted, because I'm too shy.
Julia Pérez Silveira 4ºESO B
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
-Don´t spend money on things that I don´t need.
-Do sport.
-Help my parents with housework.
-Get good marks.
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ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for 2018 are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks
-Use less my mobile phone
-Do more exercise
-Help my parents with housework
Lucía Carabias 4ºESO B
ResponderEliminarSome of my resolutions for this New Year are:
*Keeping up with my daily homework
*Being always on time
*Learning a new language
*Keep my room cleaned up
*Practise a little more exercise and being a bit more fit
I think this are some of the most important ones.
Bye, and Happy New Year to everybody!
New Year´s resolutions those commitments that you make to one or more personal goals and, of course, you always forget, well I am not really into that, I mean, in my opinion they are a great waste of time, but a lot of people think in a different way and they think they are going to be able to make them true (like wishes, more or less).
ResponderEliminarI have never made a New Year resolution but this year I am going to write some resolutions, why not?
-In the house that is in the village where my mother is from there is a collection of books about Middle Age, I would like to read them all before summer arrives.
-I would like to improve myself when I play the piano, becasuse it is not the same playing a Jensens play that playing a Chopin´s play.
-I would like to improve my English, and I would like to improve myself in Maths (this last goal is a little more difficoult, but I will try it).
-My father bought me a really funny book about the Tercios and I want to read it as soon as I have time.
Well that is all, who knows, maybe this year I do not forget them.
José Manuel Concepción Cano 4º E.S.O. A
Miguel Escudero Rodriguez 4ºA
ResponderEliminarFor this 2018 a want to:
-Try other new hobbies
-Learn more about cooking and photography
-Learn more English(this one is true)
-Try to get better marks in some subjects that I don't like
-Get good marks in general
-Try to learn a musical instrumet
Raúl Velardo Álvarez 4ºA
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
-Be kinder and try not to be so edge.
-Try to spend less money.
-Go to take pictures with my friends.
-Read more books and novels.
-Go for a walk with my dog more often.
María Rama Arroyo 4B
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions for this year are:
-Do more sport
-Get good marks in all my subjects
-Be more extroverted
-Read more
My resolutions for 2018 are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks
-Save money
-Spend more time with my grandparents
-Get up earlier at weekend
ResponderEliminarEvery year I propose some resolutions that I try to achieve, some year I haven´t been able but this I feel that I ´m able to complete it. The resolutions that I would like to fulfill this year are:
- In the first place, improve my marks, because in the future it ´s getting harder and harder to get a job, besides that you like and do well, and I see very important to have high marks to get it.
- Second, try not to lose my headphones, every year for some reason I always lose them, I put them somewhere that I forget, and if I stop doing it, it would save me a lot of money.
- Also, to do more sport because I think it is very important to keep fit and take care of our health since we only live once and we have to take advantage of it.
- Obviously, help my parents in all the things they can, because they arrive tired of working and want to rest, not to be working more, it would help them a lot.
- Finally, keep up with the resolutions.
I hope to get all the resolutions that I have proposed, and I will try to do them with all my desires.
This 2018 I want to keep up with my resolutions until the end of the year. My resolutions are going to the gym three times a week, as I consider that being in shape is really advantageous. Also learning a new language ( for instance, german ). And I would like to improve my English level due to I want to reach a fluent speaking. 4A
ResponderEliminarJara Mena Bernet 4 ESO B
ResponderEliminarMy resolution for 2018 are:
-The first resolution is to be more organized with my room and my closet.
-The second resolution is that I want t study more and pass all the subjects with good marks.
-The last resolution is that I want to travel more and know other types of cultures.
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ResponderEliminarMy resolutions of 2018 are three; the first is to learn to save money because when I have money I spend all that I have, the second is to have better marks and the last is to keep up with my resolutions.
ResponderEliminarAmalia Leal Pesado 4ESO A
Enrique Miguel Rodríguez 4ESO A
ResponderEliminarMy resolutions por 2018 are:
-Do more sport
-Save money
-Learn a new language
-Read more
Candela Paniagua Mariño 4°A
ResponderEliminarI do not like making resolutions for the New Year because I think you can not keep them all the year and at the end they only serve to made us feel sad as a result of we could not keep our promisses. However, like everybody, I think about some things that I would like to do, but without the pressure of keep doing them till the end of the year. For example I want to spend less money this year. I do not have a main reason, it is only because I think that the last year I spent a lot on things I do not use when I bought them or I do not really need.
On the other hand I want to start to do something which is related with the other wish and it is to teach a few people like private classes. This is like a "tradition" in my family and when my small cousins do not understand their homework or what they are doing in school they often ask me so I have practice.
There are some typical resolutions that I would like to try to do this year, for example, do more sport and improve my english.
My resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Do more sport
-Get good marks
-Save more money
My new year´s reolutions:
ResponderEliminar-Save money
-Go to my village at least one week in summer
-Pass the subjects, and try to have good marks
-Improve my level of languages
My resolutions for this new yer are more or less the same as those of previuos years but this year I have proposed to fulfill them. My resolutions of 2018 are four; first of all I would like to pass all my exams because I spent a lot of time studing and I would like to pass al my subjets.
ResponderEliminarSecondly I would like to spend more time with my family.
In third place I like to go out with my dog to run.
And in the last place I would like to smile more because some moments I am sad and I think that if you laugh more your life would be better
Inés cotallo vinagre 4ESOB
My resolutions for this new yer are more or less the same as those of previuos years but this year I have proposed to fulfill them. My resolutions of 2018 are four; first of all I would like to pass all my exams because I spent a lot of time studing and I would like to pass al my subjets.
ResponderEliminarSecondly I would like to spend more time with my family.
In third place I like to go out with my dog to run.
And in the last place I would like to smile more because some moments I am sad and I think that if you laugh more your life would be better
Inés cotallo vinagre 4ESOB
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ResponderEliminarDavid Manzano Oreja 4ESO B
ResponderEliminarMy new year´s resolutions:
-Pass the subjects, and try to have good marks
-Save money
-Learn more about cooking and photography
-Try to learn a musical instrumet
-Start at the language
Pablo Álvarez Sánchez 4ºESO B
ResponderEliminarI’m not a person to think about New Year's resolutions because what I propose I try to fulfill whatever the time of year. In case I have to think about some New Year's resolutions, here are mine:
-Maintain more contacts with my grandparents, since I speak little with them and deserve much more
-Sleep more, especially in exam period
-Passing all my exams
-Travel to a country that I don’t know in summer
My resolutions of this year are:
ResponderEliminar-Get good marks in all the subjects
-Save money
-Spend less time in my mobile phone
-Read 1 book per month
-Help my mum
Lucía Moreno Marroyo 4ºB
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminarSave money and not spend too much
Control my temperament if something goes wrong
Pass all my exams with good marks
Don´t argue with my family
Edu Morollón Álvarez 4ESO B
My resolutions for 2019 are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks
-Be less shy
-Learn to play the piano
-Save more money and not spend all in CD´s
-Learn photography for make better photos
Andrea Iglesias Ramírez 4ESO B
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Learn something new
-Study more and pass all the exams
-Do more sport
-Dedicate more time to my family
-Draw and read more
Mariluz García Caletrio 4°ESO C
My new year resolution are
ResponderEliminarImprove my mark
Save more, spend less
Pass all subjets
Learn english
Go to teh gym
Julia Gracia Sánchez 4º E.S.O.D
My resolutions for 2019 are:
ResponderEliminar-Save money
-Spend more time with my family
-Improve my english
-Learn something new
Ainhoa María Matos 4º ESO C