A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.

Here you have some of the most common resolutions:
-Quit smoking
-Get in shape
-Save more, spend less
-Dedicate more time to family
-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Get in to a relationship
-Learn a new language
-Control temper:
-Keep up with the resolutions

Other lists include:
■Keeping in touch with friends more
■Exercising more
■Eating a more healthy diet
■Relaxing more
■Helping family more
■Learning something new
■Saving more money
■Reducing loans and debts.
■Becoming a volunteer for a local organization or charity
■Making regular contributions to a world wide charity
■Being more environmentally aware
■Recycling more products
■Helping a neighbour or a friend in need
Add comments with your resolutions for 2017.
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ResponderEliminarMy 2017 New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my pronuntation.
-Improve my letter.
-Get a ten in my eleven subjects.
-Start to use a shaving blade.
-Get a beard.
-Improve myself in tennis.
-Be a better person.
Pablo Remedios Viana-2ºE.S.O. B
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Read more books.
-Study more.
-Be a better person.
-Improve muy pronunciation in English.
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ResponderEliminarMy 2017 English Resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Pronounce properly.
- Read in english properly.
- Learn a hundred new words.
- Improve my listenings.
My 2017 New Year's resolutions are:
- Be a better person.
- Help more at home.
- Get better marks.
- Relaxing more.
- Helping at home and help my friends.
My New year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Get good marks.
- Improve my English note.
- Travel to England.
- Do not fight with my brother.
My resolutions for 2017 are:
ResponderEliminar- Improve in basketball.
- Improve my english´s pronunciation.
- Study every day.
- Be more healthy.
- Learn new things.
Nicolás Calvo 2 C
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve marks.
-Help more at home.
-Ride on a plane.
My New Year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Improve my marks
- Improve my pronunciation in English
- Save money
- Listen more to my parents
Andrea Julián Atienza 2ºB
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study more.
-Be tidier.
Silvia Vicente Clemente 2ESOºC
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks.
-Improve in atlethics.
-Get to go to the championship of spain of athletics.
-Improve in horse riding.
-Improve my english's pronunciaton.
Míriam Murillo Martín 2º B
My New Years resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Eating a more healthy diet.
-Do more exersice.
-Read more than I read last year (more than 2 books per month).
-Be tidier.
-Improve marks and study more.
-Improve my pronunciaton in English.
Susana Ramos Recio 2°B
My New Years resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study more
-Help more at home
-Don`t fight with my sister
-Learn something new -Improve my English´pronunciation
Javier Puerta Isarría 2ºB
My New Years resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Continue getting good marks
-Improve my pronunciation in English
-Read more
-Help more at home
Leo von Caprivi Montero, 2ºB
Muchas New year's resoluciones are:
ResponderEliminar-Read more
-Do more exercise
-Have better marks
Muchas english resoluciones are:
-Improve my pronunciacion
-Listen conversacions in english
-Read books in english
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study at least,one hour a day
-Read one or two books each month
-Improve myself in tennis
-Travel to new places
My 2017 English Resolutions are:
-Improve my pronunciation
-Read some books in English
-Learn more vocabulary
Mercedes Criado 2ºESO C/B
My resolutions for 2017 are:
ResponderEliminar-Read more books.
-Be tidier.
-Help more at home.
My english resolutions are:
-Read at least two books in english.
-Watch a film in english.
My New Year resolutions dir 2017 are:
ResponderEliminar-Get good marks at school
-Do more types of sport
-Improve in tennis
-Improve my pronunciation and entonation
-Learn more English vocabulary
-Spend more time with my uncles and cousins
-Travel to new places
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study more
-Fight less with my sister
-Spend more time with my family
-Don't eat many sweets
Belén Morgado Jiménez 2C
Mu 2017 new year resolution are:
ResponderEliminar-Achieve good marks
-ride a bike every Saturday
-Improve my pronunciation on English
-Go more to the cinema
-Visit an other country
-Help more in house
Miguel Carranza Calzada 2º E.S.O. C
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Save more money
-Inprove my marks at school
-Inprove my marks in athletic
-Spend less
-Eattind a more healthy diet
-Do all the resolutions
Andrea Iglesias Ramírez 2°C
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EliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study more
-Read more
-Help more at home
My 2017 english resolutions are:
-Improve my pronunciation
-Read books in english
María Mateos García 2ºC
My New Years resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Beat a friend in baminton
-Improve my english pronuntation
-Improve my marks
-Read more in english
-Do not be so distracted
-Study more
-Improve my listenings
-Don't fight with my brother
Sergio Sánchez Amado 2ºC
My new year´s resolution are:
ResponderEliminar-sleep less
-try to dont make my mun shout
-do less push-ups with Salas
-try to listen more different music
-make 2017 the best year ever!!
Iñaki Rodriguez Franco 4ºESO A
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Eat less
-Go to the gym
-Get better marks
-Read more books
-Don't take long naps
Victor Manuel Silveira Sanguino 4ºB
-Procrastinate less
ResponderEliminar-Read more books
-Spend less time on the phone
-Finish what I start
-Learn more about video editing
Sara Vicente Arroyo, 4°ESO A
My New Year's Resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Try to read all the books that I've got.
-Practise a sport.
-Study more.
-Have better marks.
-Try to do something new.
Judith Merino Criado 4ºA
New Year's Resolutions:
ResponderEliminar-Read more books
-Improve my Chinese
-Do more exercise
-Improve my dancing skills
-Learn new things
Ángela Sun Ni 4ºA
My New Year's Resolutions:
ResponderEliminar-To learn computing
-To train harder
-To be more easy-going
-To be a better person
Paula Jiménez Toribio 4ºA
My New Year's Resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Finish the "E.S.O" with good marks
-Be a better pianist
-Improve my HTML
-Read more books
-Procrastinate less
Juan Carlos Ramírez.
4º ESO A.
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminarImprove my marks.
Figth less with my brother.
Eat more healthy
My New Year's resolutions are :
ResponderEliminarBe less nervous and shy
Get a ten in English
Improve my pronunciation in English
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks.
-Study harder.
-Go to a concert.
-Sleep more time at night.
My New year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Pass the math exam
- Be in shape
- Become tidier
- Learn more about art, music, culture...
- Worry less
- Stop watching Netflix all the time
- Live and enjoy the moment
- Spend a lot of time with my friends and family
Sofía López Jiménez 4ºA :)
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks.
-Study more.
-Go out more often with my friend.
-Try to do more exercise
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Study more
- Be a better person
- Do all my homework
- Have the same energy
Carolina Jiménez Santano 4°A
My New Year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-to do fruitful things in my free time, like reading more books.
-to train harder to help my team to be the winners of the league.
-to behave better, specially with my brother.
-to live less stressed, enjoying the moment.
And finally, the most important thing, to be happy.
Daniel García González 4ºA
My new year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Be happier
-Get better maks
-Write a book
-Rank up in CS:GO
-Control my force of will even more
New year´s resolutions
ResponderEliminarWin more chess tournaments
Read more books
Improve my marks
English new year´s resolutions
Watch more videos in English
Read more books
Improve my speaking and listening skills
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ResponderEliminarMy new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar_Improve my marks
_Read some books
_Travel to other countries
_Pass E.S.O with goods marks
Javier Alonso Guerra
My New Year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Study harder to get better marks
- Try to spend more time with my family
- To train harder with my teammates to win the handball league
- Be more sociable
- Try to be rich before summer ends
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Organize better my daily routines
- Hang out more with my family
- Leave the phone out of my room while I'm studying
- Follow my parents recommendations, because they are always right.
- Save my money, not wasting it on dumb stuff.
My New Year's resolution are:
ResponderEliminar-Read more books
-Study harder and get better marks
-Be less lazy
-Save money
My New Year's Resolutions Are :
ResponderEliminar-Study harder.
-Win more golf competitions.
-Go to the gym.
-Save money.
David Alonso Munn 4ª
My new year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve in rugby.
-Get better marks.
-Be more tidy.
My English resolutions are:
-Red more books in english.
-Improve my pronunciation.
My New year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve in basketball.
-Don't fight with my brother.
-Improve my marks.
-Be tidier.
My new year's resolution are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks.
-Red more books.
-Study harder.
-Travel to Paris.
Elena Criado 4ºA
My New Year's resolution are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks.
-Be less lazy.
-Try to spend more time with my friends
-Organize better my daily routines.
My New year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve my marks
-Dedícate more time to family
-Saving more Money
-Organize better my daily routines
My new year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Pass all the subjets
-Improve in maths
-Read more
-Improve in art
My new year´s resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Pass all the subjets
-Improve in maths
-Read more
-Improve in art
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Improve in volleyball
-Study more and improve my marks
-Be more organized
-Improve my pronunciation in English
-Grow up
-Save money
-Be healthier
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Do more exercise
-Get good marks
-Don't argue with my sister
-Buy less clothes
-Travel to anywhere
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminarGet my first layout on ultimate frisbee.
Get better marks
Learn to do more tricks with my pen.
Learn to rap faster.
Play other Sports.
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ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarSome of my new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminarEat healthy.
Be great with the things I have.
Read more.
Get better marks.
Save money.
Paula Calvo Sánchez 4°ESO B
My New year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-To complete my TBR list
-To spend,at least, one entire day with my sister.
-To improve my level of Chinese and English
-To stop being so lazy
-To get into a new hobby
-To help my parents with their restaurant
Lisa Chen 4B
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1. Play the piano 5 days a week.
2. Do something I'll be proud of.
3. Read at least one book per month.
4. Not to spend lots of hours in computer games.
5. Compose more and better.
Manuel Clavero García 4ºB
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1- Study every day.
2- Be more healthy.
3-Spend less money
4-Help around the house
5-Have goods marks
6- Have more patience with my brother
Sara Fuentes García 4ºB
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ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1-Help at home
2-Study harder
3-Learn a new language
4-Improve my English
5-Go to de gym everyday
6-Spend more time with my friends
Elena Movilla González 4ºB
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1- Go to the gym.
2- Get good marks.
3- Don't waste money.
4- Help at home.
My New Yerar's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1-Eat fruit three time every day.
2-Stop biting nails.
3-Study more.
4-to be better at pcgame.
5-be a better friend.
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar1-Help at home.
2-Shop less clothes.
3-Get good marks.
4-Practice my English and French everyday.
5-Improve in padel.
Ana Herreruela 4ºB
My New Year's resolution are:
ResponderEliminar•To pass all exams
•To get my goals
•To stop biting my nails
•To be better with my sister
•To eat more fruit
Miguel Gómez Galeano 4°ESO B
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ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study harder
-Be more responsible
-Improve in dance
-Eat healthy food
-Don't be lazy
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Study harder
-Be more responsible
-Improve in dance
-Eat healthy food
-Don't be lazy
My New Year´s resolution are:
ResponderEliminar1. Get better marks in biology and maths.
2. Improve in photography.
3. Run a 10km race
4. Win the basketball championship.
5. Be more focused and don´t waste my time.
My New Year's Resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Have better marks
-Have more dogs
-To appreciate more little things
-Learn a new language
-Be a better person
My new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar- Get good marks
- Don't waste the time
- Use less the mobile phone
- Play more the piano
- Enjoy little things
Mar Cabezas Celis 4ºB
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Play the ukulele very well
-Help more around the house
-Save money instead of spend it on clothes
-Create a youtube channel about music with my friends
-Do some sports that I've never tried
Laura Durán Carmona 4°B
Some of my new year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Eat healthy food
-Study everyday and improve my marks
-Spend more time with my parents and don't argue with them and with my brother
-Go running everyday
-Be a better person and more responsible
Paula Acedo Guerra 4°B
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ResponderEliminarMy New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Get over my fears
-Get better myself
-Giving without expecting to receive anything in return
-See again my Canadian family
-Spend more time with my family
-Improve my marks
-Learn to do new things
Marina Chaparro Benítez 4ºA
My New Year's resolutions are:
ResponderEliminar-Live healthier
-Get out of my comfort zone
-Don't be afraid to fail
-Help more people
-Don't waste my time and do things
-Improve my marks
-Improve myself on snowboard
Natalia Naharro 4ºB